The Jessner’s peel is generally considered a medium level peel containing 14% of each acid (Salicylic, Lactic and Resorcinol). The depth of this peel is determined by the number of layers applied during application and the tolerance level of the skin is applied too. It is recommended that new users begin with 1-3 layers for a light/medium peel. Generally 4-6 layers will result in a medium/deep peel and 7-8 layers can result in a deep peel. The distinct blend of acids work in synergy to combat hyperpigmentation, sun damage and rough texture to reveal vibrant glowing skin. Benefits of Jessner’s peel: reduces the appearance of acne scars, reduces hyperpigmentation, smoothes fine lines and wrinkles, improves overall complexion, helps loosen stubborn acne, restores a youthful glow. 
Add on to this procedure second zone décolleté /cleavage and get 25% off

$140 • 1 hour 30 min

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